Miratech Goes to Denver: Xperience19 and the Future of Genesys

Customer Experience Solutions

Miratech Goes to Denver: Xperience19 and the Future of Genesys

With the glorious Rocky Mountains of Denver as the backdrop, people from around the world come to Xpereince19 to hear the latest news in customer experience and the predicted future of Genesys.

As a sponsor this year, Miratech was available to meet clients, providers, thought leaders, developers, and even competitors to discuss industry-leading solutions, true omni-channel engagement, performing across all channels, both on-premise and in the cloud and more. But the overarching theme of the event, and the most discussed technology, seemed to be based more on the hot topic of moving to cloud based engagements. It seems the Genesys strategy for 2020 will be based around Pure Cloud solutions, and Genesys encouraging partners to sell cloud solutions to the midmarket.

With the full array of vendors, service providers, and Genesys eco-system partners on display, it was great to see what is available to optimize and expand your Genesys environment. With dozens of other companies and providers on display this year, Miratech’s combination of a tech background and two decades of Genesys experience remains singularly unique. So even as the market is shifting with new and different technologies being in demand for contact centers, Miratech will continue to be a global contender.

Speaking of new technology and shifting markets, one of the most innovative topics of Xperience is how AI will be harnessed in the near future to bring customers an even more fulfilling and efficient experience when interacting with contact centers. Genesys’ chief produce officer, Peter Graff, gave a comprehensive talk on the importance of AI and how the Genesys platform plans on harnessing its potential.

“We see our cloud as a platform. We want customer journey optimization via AI and better analytics.” – Peter Graff

Genesys hopes to extend their reach (by connecting the non-connected), help users increase conversation rates by up to 2%, and help clients better deal with spikes in usage or service bottlenecks. While AI is an exciting, and potentially frightening, growing field of technology, its good to see Genesys is taking massive steps to leverage the potential of AI.

For Genesys itself, the big shake up was Paul Segre’s decision to step down as CEO (formerly CTO) of Genesys. Paul, having been a long time figure in the world of customer experience, will be missed by the not only colleagues, but partners and even rivals. With a ceremonial passing of the torch, if you will, Tony Bates was brought on as the new Genesys CEO and even gave tribute to his predecessor in his Xperience address. So Miratech would like to wish Tony Bates the best of luck and a long and bright career with Genesys!

All of the moments in-between were filled with networking, meeting old friends and colleagues, enjoying surprisingly good food, and even getting to see a bit of Denver. The energetic and engaging opening, a really cool and informative keynote, and a relatively calm but busy closing ceremony really helped punctuate and define a great Xperience, well, experience.

So if we managed to miss you or you didn’t get a chance to stop by our booth, let us know and we will give you a taste of what you missed. As expected, Xperience19 was an incredible event with a little bit for everyone, in every vertical, in every position on the present and future of contact center technology. So, if you didn’t go this year, mark it on your calendar, Xperience 2020 will be even bigger!