Customizing Genesys? Start with The End Game

Customizing Genesys? Start with The End Game
If you are in the process of customizing the Genesys platform to suit the specific needs of your business, you are already on the road to delivering a seamless customer experience (CX). Congratulations. The investment in a CX platform along with the effort for implementation and customization, means the business objectives are within reach. You have the potential for an amazing solution, but will your organization realize all the benefits if no one knows how to use it effectively. Do you have a customized training plan? Who is creating the manual? What are the long-term plans to ensure updates and new functionality are included?
Genesys training to maximize ROI
The Genesys platform can play a significant role in transforming your business, but it’s your employees’ expertise that will unlock the true benefits. Your system is a tool which needs a craftsman to make it transformational. Even the most capable call center teams will need Genesys training, in both the technology and the new business processes, especially when there is extensive customization.
The evidence suggests that training is often overlooked. A survey by Global Research Analysts, Gartner, suggests that only 20% of employees are truly competent with all software systems. With as much as 60% of software features never being utilized.
Having invested in upgrading or purchasing a new platform and also spending additional time on implementation and customization, surely your intention is to fully utilize the efficiencies, functionality and features of the platform, delivering exceptional customer experience and maximizing ROI.
Multiple Genesys training options
We’ve seen different approaches to Genesys training, including:
Option 1 – Do nothing
It happens. Often businesses are focused on Genesys customization and they neglect training users so they get the best out of the new processes.
Sometimes general overview training is included, with no additional follow-up. Leaving teammates learning as best they can ‘on the job’ and helping other. It is an inexpensive and easy approach that kills employee satisfaction.
If you don’t have training plans in place, then you are unlikely to benefit from the rewards of investing in a Genesys platform. Without understanding the optimal way to use this powerful CX tool you risk unhappy employees, poor productivity, and limited ROI. Probably, not the outcome you were looking for!
Option 2 – Do it yourself
Creating your own training solutions keeps you in control. You are closest to your needs, schedules, and expectations. Maybe you are the ideal training provider? Or maybe not!
Trying to pull-together an effective training program, on a new system, is not recommended. In the beginning there is insufficient internal expertise, it’s time consuming and expensive. It’s better to benefit from outside training expertise and approaches, do what you do best. Once you are familiar with the platform you can adapt training material for inhouse training and ongoing training courses.
Option 3 – Vendor training
Getting your training directly from the company who built your solution appears to make sense. They have a great understanding of the overall project vision, and of the product and its customization. They also have a vested interest in your satisfaction, especially if they are providing post-implementation support.
Training directly from source is quick to implement, but there are some drawbacks. Vendor training is often baseline training, rather than tailored performance training. Typically targeted at ‘training the trainer’ it is then distributed internally. This leaves your frontline workforce, who’s performance is high priority in a CX environment, at risk of receiving inconsistent or diluted training.
Option 4 – Bespoke third-party training
A good choice for large and complex CX implementations. With personalized Genesys training programs custom-made to meet the performance needs of the business and the technology.
This approach is a win-win, with the training provider also providing the solution. They have extensive experience with the product and are experts at optimizing training solutions.
Crafted to suit specific budgets and training needs, personalized training works well for clients who want to tailor their Genesys learning to ensure they optimize customer experience and maximize ROI.
The downside is timing, with potential for a slower start, compared to vendor training and ‘Do it yourself’ programs, though the results are infinitely better.
The value of customized training
Having supported the digital transformation efforts of many top Fortune 100 companies we’ve literally written the book on customized Genesys training, many times!
The more diverse and rounded your customized Genesys training program, the better the end results. Your business is unique, so it makes sense that your training strategy will be too. And, if you want outstanding results you need to invest in ongoing training as part of your continuous improvement process.
Like your technical CX solution, your training solution will evolve over time. At the end of every training cycle, trainer and trainee feedback is added to performance results help develop the ideal Genesys training for your organization.
The good news is that you will become more self-reliant, once you are familiar with the technology. So, while there is often an initial dependency on some form of external training, longer term you will be able to adapt your material, with lessons learnt, to build your own Genesys training programs.
Want help with Genesys training and optimizing call center performance? Get in touch via for your FREE copy of our Training White Paper.